Alice Madness Returns Bumby

Alice: Madness Returns follows Alice Liddell, a girl suffering from trauma caused by the death of her family in a fire. Alice was discharged from a psychiatric clinic and now lives in an orphanage for mentally traumatized orphans under the care of Dr. Apr 07, 2012 50+ videos Play all Mix - Alice Madness Returns Dr. Bumby (Extended) YouTube Chopin Nocturnes - Duration: 1:50:55. Wonders Of Classical Music Recommended for you.

Disclaimer: Don't own American McGee's Alice: Madness Return. It belongs to Spicy Horse, American and I suppose EA.

A/N: Ok I said Shattered Wonderland was a oneshot. I take it back. Cue a dark and twisted trilogy! Now I decided to expand on this a little bit. Bumby wins, he's happy. Alice is a ruined wreck. So I thought let's delve into the thought process of Alice's insanity. Basically it's in Alice's POV, but there's a darker twist to it. And no Alice doesn't win or frees herself, I don't do Disney endings. Ary88 this one's for you! Oh and PLEASE review, let me become a better authorxE2x80她r at least give me ideas on how to make Bumby a bigger villain.

It's been 6 blissful months Alice hasn't thought of Wonderland. She's too busy fufilling her duties to her king.

It's been 6 hellish months she tries to save Wonderland. She failed, now she's the slave of a Black hearted king.

She loves him; he's the only one who has ever made her feel this way. She gave him her first kiss, her virginity, her everything. He helped her to forget, all he asked in return was her loyalty. He gave her everything: a roof over her head, pretty dresses to wear, and a place in his heart (and in the bedroom).

Alice madness returns walkthrough

She hates him; she has never hated anyone, yet he is the only one she could hate. He stole everything: her sanity, her first kiss, her virginity. He made her forget; now she wears his mark. Everything she has reminds her of him: the orphanage, the tiny dresses she wears in private, a place in his twisted black heart (and his bed).

She's thankful that Dr. Bumby rescued her from Pris. She doesn't have to go back to her shattered Wonderland anymore. Let the broken memories die and fade away.

She resents him from preventing her to going to Wonderland. Preventing her from saving it. She won't let her memories die, she will not die.

She doesn't remember anything about the fire anymore. The past is nothing to her. All she sees is her lover helping other children forget their horrid pasts to make room for a better future.

She remembers everything about the fire. The past is everything to her. She remembers what he did to Lizzie, to her family, to her. She saw how he pimped out the children to monsters wearing human skin.

She can't think of a life without him. Sheneedshim. He's always there to give her what she wants. He set her free from her torment. For that, she's grateful.

She wishes she has never met him. But he needsher to keep his appetite sated. Lustful monster, watching over her like a dragon watches over his treasure. He kept her caged, how she longs for her freedom.

She loves it when he looks at her with such need in his eyes. As if she was the most beautiful woman on the Earth. He showers her with such affection and love that she could drown in it. And god, she loves it when they make love. What a tender lover she has. His strong hands worshipping her body, his sinful tongue touching places she never thought possible, and the fact he's always up for an encore. She couldn't get enough, she wanted this.

She hates it whenever he looks at her with such lust. She's not a trophy to be won. The sugary words that come out of his mouth makes her want to vomit. How she hated the sex. The sex that was just so damn good that she couldn't stop. He always was a forceful lover, his hands always gripping her hips hard enough to leave bruises. His slimy tongue invading her innermost privates, the fact he always lusts for more. Her body betrays her, she doesn't want this but she needs it.

They make love everywhere: on his desk in his office, his room, even in a dark secluded alleyway. She gets excited about thinking it, the thrill of doing something so forbidden. She shouldn't be doing this, but it feels too good to stop. She loves the feel of him inside her, stretching her, filling her, completing her. She loves the feeling of it all.

He rapes her everywhere: bent over on his desk, being tied up by the bedposts, even pushed up against a wall in a dark alley like some whore. She dreads when the next violation will take place. He shouldn't be doing this to her, but why does it have to feel so good? She hopes they get caught soon; she can scream rape when asked. To see him humiliated and hanged would be worth it. She hates the feeling of him inside her, tearing her, ruining her with his seed; she hates herself for loving it.

She's naked, flat on her back on his desk. Doctor Bumby towering over her, lost in his own pleasure. Papers strewn across the floor, ink spilling on their bodies, soft gasps and moans filling the air. The constant pounding between her legs is divine. She feels his kisses everywhere, everything just feels so good. She desperately tries to find something to cling on to, only to grab a letter opener.

Kill him.

What? Why?

Kill him.


He killed our family.

They died in a fire.

Alice Liddell Madness Returns

He started it, he stole everything from us. Kill him!

I don't believe you! I won't, I love him!

You will, you hate him!

He loves me!

He loves you as a doll! He destroyed us! He's evil! Murderer! Rapist! Desecrator! He's KILLING ME!

She doesn't remember anything after that. She wakes up in bed feeling incredibly sore. She doesn't remember being brought into their room. Those cuts weren't on her body before, is that dried blood smeared on her? She sees Doctor Bumby looking worried. Is that a cut on his cheek? She doesn't remember that happening. There are scratches and bite marks on him. Did she do that? He'll make her leave; she can't stand the thought of a life without him. Tears well up in her eyes at the injuries her lover has. She's dangerous, he won't touch her anymore. She tries to speak but no words can come out.

Doctor Bumby straddles on top of her, kissing her tears away.

'The worst is over Alice. It's not your fault. It's just a dream darling. Now let's forget this unpleasantness and move on to better things shall we?'

He smothers her in kisses before she can protest.

Alice Madness Returns Bumby

Really, she feels quite silly thinking he would let her go. What a wonderful lover she has. He tells her that she is a precious porcelain doll, too lovely and perfect to be thrown away.

As the two begin their coupling, black ooze is coming from the cracks of a broken mirror.

Confused? Basically there's 2 Alices: you have your real world London Alice who is broken by Dr. Bumby who is programmed into loving him. Then there's Wonderland Alice who pretty much is the same as the game. These 2 Alices are fighting each other; they are no longer on the same side. They can't kill each other, each of them are fighting for control. Because of what Bumby did, Alice's psyche is split. Wonderland!Alice still tries to fight but Bumby's programming is too strong. Bumby won't get rid her, he finds it hot.

Alice: Madness Returns is the sequel to the third person action-adventure game American McGee's Alice.


  • My Wonderland is shattered. It's dead to me.
  • Another day, a different dream perhaps.
  • Is it mad to pray for better hallucinations?
  • I know what's real!
  • I know I'm guilty of something, but punishment hardly ever suits the victims of a crime.
  • Who set that bloody train in motion? Where has it come from?
  • You've used me and abused me, but you will not destroy me!
  • It's not a dream. It's a...memory. And it makes me sick!
  • Wonderland has become quite strange. How is one to find her way?
  • This is good for me. I'm not insane! I didn't kill my family. I am fine. I'm not mad. I am innocent, I mean, not guilty!
  • I've not come back here looking for a fight.
  • I want to forget! Who would choose to be alone, imprisoned by their broken memories? [bitter]
  • I know their pain. I would assist. But is sanity required for the job?
  • Blasted Cat!

Cheshire Cat[edit]

Alice Madness Returns Dr Bumby

  • Puurrfect. When you're not on edge, you're taking up too much space.
  • Threats, promises and good intentions don't amount to action.
  • Every picture tells a story. Sometimes we don't like the ending. Sometimes we don't understand it.
  • Ah, Alice. We can't go home again. No surprise really. Only a very few find the way, and most of them don't recognize it when they do. Delusions, too, die hard with memory. Only the savage regard the endurance of pain as the measure of worth. Forgetting pain is convenient, remembering it: agonizing. But recovering the truth is worth the suffering and our Wonderland, though damaged, is safe in memory... for now.
  • Abandon that hope! A new law reigns in this wonderland Alice, it's very rough justice all around. We're at risk here. You, be on your guard.
  • A secret is only a secret when it is unspoken to another.
  • Different denotes neither bad nor good, but it certainly means not the same.
  • Only the insane equate pain with success.
  • Only fools believe that suffering is just wages for being different.
  • Every adventure requires a first step. Trite, but true, even here.
  • The uninformed must improve their deficit, or die
  • Only a few find the way, some don't recognize it when they do - some... don't ever want to.
  • Haste makes waste, so I rarely hurry. But if a ferret were about to dart up my dress, I'd run.
  • A reflection sometimes exposes more reality than the object it echoes.

Mad Hatter[edit]

  • The world is upside-down, Alice. Inmates run the asylum - no offence - and worst of all... I'm left tea-less!
  • The insolence, the arrogance the execrable table manners! They are destroyers of Wonderland! Defilers! Denuders! Derangers! Delightful...
  • The law is just. Just a whisper away. Who knows how to measure rules? With a ruler! Cruel rules.
  • Everything's a nail, is it, Miss Hammerhead? First it was your search, freighted with fear and fragmented memories. Now it's the train! Never time for tea. While your brain's on holiday, we're ruined! Now we're all mad here and that's a good excuse for going to hell in a teapot, but not for forgetting what your senses saw.
  • Forgetting's just forgetting, except when it's not. Then they call it something else. I'd like to forget what you did. I've tried, but I can't.

The Queen of Hearts[edit]

  • A good guest does not overstay, a perfect guest stays home!
  • The train is trying to destroy all evidence of your past and especially the fire. Now, who would want that? Who benefits from your madness?
  • There is no method in this madness!
  • Authority must be obeyed, or it must be overthrown!
  • What you claim not to know is merely what you've denied. You've recaptured your vagrant memories. What are you doing with them?
  • You shouldn't ask questions you know the answer to, it's not polite.
  • Make your survival mean something, or we are all doomed!
  • I may survive here, but you're finished!
  • You don't know your own mind!

Dr Bumby[edit]

  • Memory is more often a curse than a blessing.
  • The cost of forgetting is high.
  • The past must be paid for.
  • A flower's purpose is simple and immutable. Human purpose is fickle because it is a slave to memory. Memories must be strictly managed, Alice. Unproductive ones must be eliminated.


  • Nurse Witless: Still a mess, no surprise. Her kin roasted like chestnuts right before her eyes. Ten years in Rutledge Asylum wasted everyone's time! Dr Bumby won't do better. Still hauling out her questions: the fire, her memory. I deserve consideration, don't I? Who found her her new clothes? Who got her a place at Bumby's? Where she'd be without me? On the street, selling her backside! Likes my pigeons, though. She's doled out the odd pound or two. But I know what's worth more than that! Kept her secret, haven't I? Heard her say 'All died on my account, I couldn't save you!' I've told her my silence is for sale, cheap! I'm a good sort, really, not like her nanny, that uppity whore! Or that lawyer fellow Radcliffe [who] took her stupid rabbit! Need money... warned her I'd tell the coppers if she didn't make a 'donation' to my upkeep. She yells and goes off her head. Days she can't remember her name, what I heard.
  • Dr Bumby: Come, Alice, am I not to be as much honoured and obeyed as the Queen? Is that asking too much? I want what she wanted. Give yourself over to that: trade the tentacles for the train. It's altogether a better ride. It's that or back to Rutledge!
  • Nurse Witless: Never a kind word or reward for services rendered! Don't I deserve a bit of luck? Don't piss on what's right and owing to me, I say! Brought you out of the asylum, now you'll go back of your own accord!
  • Nanny: I told your mother, dear. You're a distant and stubborn child, too content in her own world. Young women need to leave their wonderlands. The real world is not so 'wonderful'. You'll need to grow up. Perhaps some more time in 'care'?
  • Radcliffe: You look decent enough. But appearances deceive: I know you for an unstable and violent person! I can't say I'm surprised you've been incarcerated in the asylum again. A long stay under supervision would serve you right!
  • Dr. Wilson: 'Flight or Fight' implies a permanent choice. But 'flight' often just means putting the fight off to another day. Choose your battles wisely, Alice.
  • Walrus' Poem:
Sword and crown are worthless here,
I invite everyone to dance
Labourers, lawyers, church and gown all make their little prance.
This life is full of random death
And heaps of grief and shame,
So few are soothed by 'accident'
You want someone to blame.
Fire, plague or strange disease,
Drowned, murdered or, if you please,
A long fall down the basement stairs
None are expected, no one cares.
I often must work very hard
Sweat running down my skin,
After the dance I then must rest
And the eating can begin.
Alice Madness Returns Bumby


Alice: At least the place I've landed is somewhat familiar
Cheshire Cat: [Suddenly materializing] About time, too, Alice.
Alice: Blasted cat! Don't try to bully me. I'm very much on edge!
Cheshire Cat: Purrfect. When you're not on edge, you're taking up too much space.
Alice: You are no help at all!
Cheshire Cat: But you know I can be.
Alice: I'll frighten myself when necessary, thanks very much. I was hoping to escape all that!
Cheshire Cat: Abandon that hope! A new law reigns in 'this' Wonderland, Alice, it's very rough justice all round. We're at risk here, you be on your guard!
Duchess: Ah it's you again, Alice. You may approach.
Alice: Why would I do that? You want to eat me!
Duchess: Yes, well you taught me manners and I've lost my taste for mad women; strictly a porcine diet for me. Everything is better with bacon, don't you agree? Of course you do. Now, there are pig snots scattered about. I heard a few behind the house; go fetch them for me. But take care of the pests that block your way. Pepper them up if they do. They need spice and you're just the dish -- ehm -- girl to season them for me. You'll find that grinder serviceable.
Alice: Why not season your own pig parts?
Duchess: Matters of priorities! My Alabaster skin needs protection from the disgusting creatures running amok amidst the environs. But one gets peckish! Look, all you have to do is listen for the oink, then shoot the snout! You may like the results. I certainly will.
Alice: The Hatter's Domain, almost as I remember it!
Cheshire Cat: Appearances, as you know better than most, can be deceiving, Alice. Much has changed since your last visit.
Alice: Dr Bumby says change is 'constructive', that 'different' is good.
Cheshire Cat: Different denotes neither 'bad' nor 'good', but it certainly means not the same! Find the Hatter, Alice. He knows more about 'different' than you.
Alice: But does he know more about the difference between bad and good?
Cheshire Cat: [noticing the Bolterflies attacking] Making friends, Alice? You're as randomly lethal and entirely confused as you ever were.
Alice: I've managed without you so far, Cat. Return to whatever hovel's home to you, I'll call if I need you.
Cheshire Cat: Predictably rash. It's not a question of 'if', Alice, it's 'when'. Now hold on, and as they say, 'shut up'! [he disappears]
Alice: So typical.
Mock Turtle: You'd better come aboard, Alice. We're doomed, of course!
Alice: What? There's no hope, then?
Mock Turtle: Oh, there's an infinite amount of hope, but not for us!
Mock Turtle: Confounded beasts, they want my ship!
Alice: I think you're more to their taste.
Mock Turtle: [outraged] Never! We're almost relatives!
Alice: You're related to soup, Admiral.
Caterpillar: A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step!
Alice: A single step off London Bridge could end my journey...
Caterpillar: Failure as your epitaph? I'd hoped you were more courageous!
Alice: I've come all this way to find a simulacrum?!
Caterpillar: If I had the time, I'd detail how often you prefer dealing with illusions rather than the real thing. Problems you refuse to deal with don't exist! You deny reality!
Alice: That's not right! I know what's real!
Caterpillar: No! You allow others to tell you what isn't real.
Alice: My memories are shattered! This wicked train has ruined nearly all I can recall and Wonderland will perish completely as I lose my mind. So much has changed... I can't help Wonderland if I can't help myself!
Caterpillar: Much has changed, but you've got it backwards: save Wonderland and you may save yourself! The Carpenter was on to something, but he was hiding from the real. Your goal is to accept it!
Alice: Where should I go, then? What should I do?
Caterpillar: The Queen must be served, Alice. The Queen, in all her guises, must always be served.
Alice: How can she stem this growing corruption or assist my search? What does she know that I don't?
Caterpillar: She is someone you once knew and loved. Time changes us all.
Alice: Not all change is good!
Caterpillar: Remember that when you find the Queen!
Cheshire Cat: Back to admire your handiwork? Returning to the scene of the crime?
Alice: It had to be done, Cat, you said so yourself! 'You and this Red Queen cannot both survive. She is a cancer in your body. Excise her or perish!'
Cheshire Cat: Well, she was the face of evil in the heart of darkness...
Alice: She didn't treat you too well last time, lost your head as I recall!
Cheshire Cat: She was completely deranged. You picked up her crown, but now you've put it down. You must speak to her; what's left of her, anyway.
Alice: The Red Kingdom's in ruins, but you're no better off!
White King: When you defeated her, I tried to reclaim the castle, but I was set upon by her monstrosities. The malignant royal bitch still reigns.
Alice: I'm here to petition her. I must get inside.
White King: The only way in is through me. Sacrifices must be made.
Alice: Those who say so usually mean 'they should be made by others'.
White King: Cynicism is a disease! It can be cured. Once inside, beware of the outsized killer who patrols her domain. Never confront him; he is invincible. Now cut me loose: I'll show you the meaning of 'sacrifice'!
Alice: [to the Queen] I was expecting someone else!
Queen of Hearts: You don't know your own mind!
Alice: It's nearly a complete stranger!
Queen of Hearts: What you claim not to know is merely what you've denied. You've recaptured your vagrant memories: what are you doing with them?! You once rejected my attempts to control our lives forcefully, but now you've allowed another to succeed in my role!
Alice: I won't miss your tentacles.
Queen of Hearts: [infuriated] You'd prefer the hot stinking breath and unyielding attentions of a potent, unreasoning, unfeeling hellraiser?! I don't think so!
Alice: Can you give me more than a warning? Caterpillar said you might help!
Queen of Hearts: I'd need a better reason to respond than what's currently on offer!
Alice: If you don't, we're all doomed!
Queen of Hearts: Not doomed. Forgotten! I may survive here, but you're finished! You see the pattern of destruction, I know you do! The train is trying to destroy all evidence of your past and especially the fire. Now, who would want that? Who benefits from your madness?!
Alice: The destruction of Wonderland... is the destruction of me?!
Queen of Hearts: Indeed! And vice versa!
Alice: I've set it in motion, I can derail it. This is good for me! I'm not insane! I didn't kill my family. I am fine. I'm not mad, I'm innocent - I mean, not guilty! [sees the tentacles wrapping around her] What's happening, what are you doing?!
Queen of Hearts: The train must be stopped, but there's more to do. Your view conceals a tragedy. The whole truth you 'claim' to seek eludes you because you won't look at what's around you! [swallows Alice; Inside Alice's memories] There is no method in this madness!
Dr Wilson: My professional opinion? Madness is often a treatable disease, though perhaps not in this case.
Queen of Hearts: Authority must be obeyed, or it must be overthrown!
Nurse Witless: 'Cruel to be kind', that's my technique as they say, but she's as mad as a hatter, poor dearie!
Dr Bumby: Worst is over, and over, and over. Forget it, Alice - forget it!
Insane Child: The unstable are more than merely mad: they have 'other parts'. The Dollmaker will deprive them of what remains of their deranged souls. They need care!
Alice: I know their pain. I would assist, but is sanity required for the job?
Insane Child: A limited quantity. You're not mad enough to be rejected. You're like them, of them in a way, but not them. I should say 'not us', for I'm them, but you are on your way. The way is clearly marked.
Alice: I believe I know that way and I'd rather not travel further along it.
Alice: My Lizzie... What is this train's destination?
Queen of Hearts: Madness and Destruction. You shouldn't ask the questions you know the answers to, it's not polite. And that noise wasn't Lizzie talking in her sleep.
Alice: Oh no... Poor Lizzie!
Queen of Hearts: And there are no centaurs in Oxford. Make your survival mean something or we are all doomed!
Caterpillar: Come to receive your punishment then?
Alice: I know I'm guilty of something, but punishment never suits the victims of the crime.
Caterpillar: Abuse is a crime the strong visit on the weak, and you're right, abusers are insufficiently punished for the damage they do. Those who witness abuse without seeking retribution for the harmed pay a penalty. Your own pain mitigates your failure to act earlier, but you may not yet have paid enough for witnessing the pain of others...
Alice: Is there really so little hope?
Cheshire Cat: There is even less. And if fear paralyzes you... we're lost.
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