Alice Madness Returns Chapter 3 Frog

Disclaimer: I only own my OC I do not own Tess, or the Characters from American McGee's Alice, or its sequel.

For Alice: Madness Returns on the PlayStation 3, FAQ/Walkthrough by Bkstunt31.

Taylor and Tess soon were out of the vortex, floating around a beautiful sight until landing on some grassy field. She soon saw Alice was floating towards them, with a different outfit, which is a blue knee-high dress with short puffy sleeves, a bloodstained white pinafore apron with it's pockets having the astronomical signs of Eris, and Jupiter sewn on them, along with a pair of black and white striped stockings, knee high black boots with belts, and an Omega pendent on a silver chain around her neck.

Alice soon landed, looked and saw Taylor and Tess, she stared at them and said, 'What are you two doing here, I wouldn't expect to see you two in Wonderland.'


Taylor replied, 'It's a long and to you a confusing story, so I won't get into detail.'

Alice, thought, and soon said, 'Very well, anyway,' she began walking, and continued, 'Very upsetting journey. But I'm rid of Pris... or whatever she's become.' Taylor would say it was a hallucination, but she won't, soon Alice continued, 'At least the place We've landed is somewhat familiar to me.'

Taylor with Tess on her shoulder soon walked with Alice with stepping stones that resemble dominoes, when the last one was being blocked when a tall, gray skinny cat with at toothy grin appeared, and said, 'About time too, Alice, and I see you have some new friends to help you,'

Alice crossed her arms, and said, 'Blasted Cat! And yes, they are called, Taylor Fearbrave, sister to Shadow Fearbrave, and on her shoulder is Tess, anyway. Don't try to bully me! I'm very much on edge.'

'Purrrrfect. When you're not on edge, you're taking too much space.' The Cat looked at Taylor, and said, 'So you are the sister of the boy who helped Alice in her Wonderland, well, I hope you will be as much help as he was.'

'I will, I need to help my brother, and I need to help Alice to do that,' Taylor replied

'Unlike Taylor, you're no help at all,' Alice said to the Cat.

The Cat replied, 'But you know I can be, like Taylor's friend, whatever she is.'

Tess replied, 'I'm an ottsel.'

'I'll frighten myself when necessary, thanks very much. I was hoping to escape all that,' Alice replied.

The Cat replied back, 'Abandon that hope! A new law reigns in this Wonderland, Alice. It's very rough justice all round. We're at risk here. You and you're friends... be on your guard!' Soon the Cat disappeared.

Taylor looked around and said, 'Where are we anyway?'

Alice replied, 'It would look like the Vale of Tears, and if you will know why it is called that shortly.' The trio soon began walking, Taylor soon is seeing many child things besides the dominoes, like dice, and marbles, only the objects were very big.

They eventually found a miniature house similar to Taylor's vision, which meant that house was Alice's home. Alice soon touched it and soon a picture of a man, a woman, and a girl popped up, which would resemble the silhouettes Taylor also saw in her vision waving good bye, Taylor soon sees that those three were Alice's family. Soon, Taylor heard a voice of a girl, and it said, 'You're part frog, Alice, I swear. You jump so well!' and soon the picture was gone.

Taylor looked at Alice, and saw she was sad, Alice said, 'That was a memory, though I so wish I would erase it.'

Taylor soon said, 'No, memories are important, despite you having bad ones, you must learn from the bad, and cherish from the good.'

Alice looked, and smiled by Taylor's words of confidence, and they kept moving, they soon saw a statue that looked like Alice, but it was also a fountain for water was coming from the closed eyes, as if the statue was crying, Tess soon said, 'Now we know why this place is called the Vale of Tears.'

They continued forward, many jumping on domino like platforms. They soon saw another memory, Alice touched it, and the picture of Alice's family appeared again, this time an older woman spoke, she said, 'If you jump off that table again, Alice, I'll expire. You're 2 times too reckless, my girl.' Soon the picture disappeared again, and soon some big mushrooms appear, and the girls soon used them to continue.

They saw another mushroom pop up, Alice walked to it, and it made her bounce up like a trampoline to a high ledge, Taylor soon followed, while held on Taylor to avoid falling off her shoulder, the soon saw a mushroom, and another memory, Alice grabbed it, and the picture came back, this time a man's voice spoke, it said 'Amanita muscaria, Alice, is merely a stinky toadstool. A spongy consistency, but poisonous.' The picture vanished again, and the girls jumped an another mushroom.

When they made up the next ledge, they saw big vial with purple liquid pouring out, and a small tag that said 'DRINK ME.' Alice and Taylor went to the liquid, while Tess stayed, not to get her fur wet. Alice soon spoke, 'I've been this road before. Good things in small packages?'

The Cat reappeared, and said, 'Though both lacking bathing costumes, a plunge in that pool is in order!'

Taylor and Alice soon touched the water, Taylor looked at herself, and was shrinking, she asked, 'What's happening?'

Alice looked and said, 'My Goodness! We're shrinking in this potion! Shall we disappear?'

The Cat looked down and replied, 'Almost. But the upside is that while smaller you both can see things that are nearly invisible to your bigger selves.'

They soon quickly grew back to their normal sizes, and Alice said, 'Ah! I get it. Quite! 'Forests for the trees'; just the other way 'round. Short-sighted is more than a matter of perspective.' The girls soon saw a hole shaped like a keyhole, and proceed into entering it.

Before shrinking and entering the keyhole, they saw another memory, this time it is shaped like a syringe. Alice soon picked up the memory, and soon the girls saw a picture of the doctor Taylor saw in her vision when Nurse Witless was telling her story, and he said, 'Look how small she's become. All curled up, she's barely there, a vixen in her hidey-hole.' The picture disappeared and the girls shrank, Alice went in the Keyhole first, then Taylor with Tess on all fours behind them.

They walked through a tunnel until they exited to the same bouncy mushroom where the found the third house memory. The girls bounced up again and soon saw another keyhole, and started going through another tunnel. There they saw another ledge and went down. They soon turned around and saw another keyhole, went into another tunnel. eventually they found another bouncy mushroom, only it is blue, Alice was still small and saw on the walls drawings that looked like her house, and and arrow pointing at a rock. Alice soon went behind the rock and found another house memory. She picked up the memory, and soon the picture of her family again, and girl spoke again, 'I'll never have more fun alone than when I rode the big slide in Hyde Park. Papa will take you soon, Alice.' And the picture disappeared, and the girls went to the blue mushroom which made bounce way high up.

The girls soon found themselves on what looks like a slide. Taylor looked at it and said, 'Well no where else we can go,' she soon jumped and began sliding down, and Alice followed. Taylor with Tess on her shoulder, and Alice continued, until they eventually made it to the end, where they find themselves at the bank a river that is red like blood.

Taylor and Tess were not happy about this river of blood, but Alice continued to walk into and up the river, with Taylor and Tess following, and soon saw a skeletal remains of the creature from Taylor's vision, Taylor soon asked, 'What was this thing, it must've been really menacing, and scary.'

Alice looked at Taylor and said, 'This was the Jaberwocky, your brother and I defeated it together, seems despite the skeleton it still has blood to shed.'

Taylor soon sees a chef's butcher knife with strange engravings, and blood there on the Jaberwocky's skull, soon the Cat appeared again, and spoke to Alice, 'The Vorpal Blade is swift and keen. And always ready for service.'

The Knife, or the Vorpal Blade is what the cat calls it soon magically went off of the Jaberwacky's skull, and floated straight to Alice and floated in front of her. Alice soon took the blade, while she examined the blade, she told the Cat, 'I've not come back here looking for a fight.'

The Cat replied, 'Really? That's a pity. One's certainly looking for you, along with your new friends, maybe.' The Cat then soon disappeared.

The Jaberwocky's corpse was soon fading into dust, Alice then soon saw another syringe memory, Alice took it and the picture of the doctor reappeared, and said, 'Flight or Fight' implies a permanent choice. But 'Flight' often just means putting off the fight for another day. Choose your battles wisely, Alice.'

Soon a tremor started and scared the girls, but soon stopped. Tess soon said, 'What was that all about an earthquake.'

Taylor looked at her and said, 'I don't know, Tess, but I think with something like that it is best we keep moving.' The girls continue to walk out of the area of blood.

Soon the found another clearing, but had puddles of tar, soon the ground shook again, and something started to rise from the tar, which was a grotesque creature with an eyeless baby doll head for a face. Alice soon drew the Vorpal Blade and started fighting. She soon made short work of that 'Insidious Ruin,' but soon two more popped out. Taylor knew she had to help, so she went to a ruin and started whacking it with her staff. While the girls fight the ruins Alice said, 'Ugly, gross, and evil in a single monstrosity.' Both ruins are soon dealt with, the girls soon saw some roots move and the girls soon moved on towards the path that opened and soon saw another memory, but this time it was a pair of glasses.

Alice picked up the glasses and an image of Dr. Bumby appeared, and it said, 'A flower's purpose is simple and immutable. Human purpose is fickle because it is a slave to a memory. Memories must be strictly managed, Alice. Unproductive ones must be eliminated.' Taylor did not like that memory, she could wish Alice to disregard it, but it might give away the truth, for Alice must learn it by herself, despite it will be sad when she learns that Taylor knew all along. Soon the girls pressed forward, seeing another red bouncy mushroom, and bounce to whatever is going to be in stored for them.

Sorry it took a long time, but I managed to finally wrote down this chapter, thank Dat360NoScope for his walk through, which I am using for writing it which is good despite I might be cheating, but it helps so I won't end up dying when I do the game, anyway those who will ever read this I will be changing what fanfic it is instead of a crossover as long as I do disclaimers, I will do the next chapter next time if I get to it see ya.