Alice Madness Returns Cheshire Cat X Reader

Hello Again :D I've been wanting to write this for a few days and I finally found time to do the prologue, this is going to be very dark since it actually stemmed from a nightmare of mine.

Jun 09, 2015  Alice: Madness Returns is the excellent follow up to 'American Mcgee Alice.' This game is often overlooked, but it does a wonderful job of taking you into the twisted and demented mind of Alice.

So Alice is so traumatized that she recedes into her own mind which is corrupt and known as Wonderland, this will be rated M because I plan for it to be gruesome and dark and full of death and pain :/

Also there will probably be a few Lemons between Alice and a Mystery character ;)

Note: When Alice if first thrown into Wonderland she is probably about ten or eleven, then the story will most likely jump to her being about seventeen or eighteen, still trapped in Wonderland. I plan for this to be fairly long so don't get into it if your not interested in reading long fics xD


So warning for: Lemons, blood, gore, angst, and basically all things painful/ and or sad.

If your looking for a Fic filled with joy and love then turn back now..Don't bother reading anymore.

The story will pick up in Chapter two since this was just the prologue, and a few characters will be introduced as will the causes for Alice's insanity.

Also you might say that Alice isn't a very strong girl for breaking down and receding into her own mind but she's special and really if I was able to do the same thing as her I'd probably jump at the chance, so please don't insult her 3

For those that are reading this thank you :)

P.s This might be annoying but im going to put up a notice about this story in all my other stories xD So yeah enjoy the short but sweet prologue! 3


A mind, so twisted and rotted that it turned an entire world foul. Alice invented Wonderland, but she's also the one who turned it evil. Wonderland is a magical place, but not one you would ever want to visit. It's filled with demons, beasts, madmen. Things you wouldn't find in your worst nightmares.

Wonderland is the creation of a little girl, a girl with a broken mind. Her mind poisoned Wonderland making it a land of monsters. But Wonderland was the only place she could go, not by choice of course, no one would willingly go to a place where even the inhabitants were trying to escape. No, Alice the young girl made of nightmares was flung into Wonderland. Her mind deeming it was the only way to save the last bit of Sanity she had left.

So Alice locked herself up in her own mind, unable to find a way out of this world of the damned. The people of Wonderland didn't care that Alice was a child or that she was their creator, they loathed everyone and everything. Their minds were just as twisted and broken as hers, the only release from the constant burning madness clawing at their brains was the kill, maim and hurt.

And Alice was trapped in there with them. Forever for all she knew. She was locked in a world were everyone wanted to kill her, for no good reason, other than to quench the burning for a few moments.

And the ruler of this world, was worse than them all. The Queen of Hearts was ruthless, insane and beautiful. She didn't get her name from the love she showed her people. She got her name because she loved the colour red, the colour of blood. She loved to be soaked in the warm liquid, loved the feeling of it on her skin. And not only did she love blood, she loved hearts. Actual beating hearts, but most of all she loved ripping them out of peoples chests while they were still alive, a mad gleam in her ruby eyes and a devils grin tugging at her lips.

She was the ruler of madmen, which meant she had to be just as insane as them. Some of them loved her, or whatever you could call the affection given by a demon. They loved her not because she was fair, or just, but because she was evil and corrupt, everything the people in Wonderland wanted.

Others hated her because she had power, the exact thing they wanted. But even so, no one in Wonderland could disobey the Queen. Wonderland didn't follow the rules of order, it was a world of Chaos therefore it had it's own rules. The Queen was like the God of Wonderland, if she told you to do something you had no choice but to do it. She could take away your free will with one look from her blood red eyes. The only one that had any hope of overthrowing her was Alice. But the Queen knew she was in Wonderland and would crush her the moment she had the chance.

If you didn't play by the rules of Wonderland you died.

But even so, if you did play by the rulers you died still.

Alice didn't have much hope of surviving even if it was her poisoned mind that governed this world.

Authors notes: This is my first fanfiction. Reviewing would be greatly appreceated. :)

Pairing: Alice x Cheshire

Rating: T just to be safe.

Summary: What if Alice decided to stay in Wonderland? What would happen? My version of Alice: Madness Returns ending.

Disclaimer: I do not own Alice: Madness Returns or American Mc'gees Alice. If I did, you would see Chesh and Alice together.

Remember to Review~! :)

PS - This is not a oneshot, I plan on making this longer.

blalblalalbalvlall - Thinking

It was done. Bumby has been defeated and sent to hell with that wretched train. Wonderland is restored back to it's peaceful state. All Alice could do now, was to hope it would stay this way.

Said girl looked around her. The train station was falling apart and she had to escape. Snapping out of her thoughs, she rushed out of the blasted train station.

Nearly falling with the station, Alice found herself in a clearing with a fountain next to it. The fountain was a pearlwhite and the clearing had tons of flowers, green grass and was overall calm enough to rest in. She was still clutching her Vorpal Blade just incase, if anyone dared to hurt her or her friends.

„Well done Alice, you have saved Wonderland from the Infernal Train' said a smooth voice.

Alice Madness Returns Cheshire Cat X Reader

That voice belonged to her best friend, the one who always guided her. The one who never failed to make her secretly happy. The Cheshire Cat.

„Exuse me Cat, I'm not in the mood for riddles.'

„That is not what I'm here for, Alice.'

„Well, what's your purpose here Chesh?'

„I'm here to c- Did you just call me Chesh?'

„Yes, I did, You don't like it?'

„I have nothing against it Alice.' She headed to the fountain to clean up her wounds.

They hurt. The pain reminded her what she had to live through. The fire, then getting dragged to the asylum and then reaching the orphanage.

Atleast it's over, I have reached a decision...


Alice continued to clean her wounds . A comfortable silence was between the two.

„Hey Chesh, come here.'

The Cat walked up to face Alice. She motioned for him to lay down on the grass. He did and she lied next to him. The girl breathed in deeply and exhailed. You could tell she had alt on her mind. Absentmindedly she stroked Cheshires fur, making him purr with happiness.

„Chesh..Is it possible for me to stay in Wonderland..Forever?'

The Cat looked at her face and sat up.

„I though you wanted to be sane Alice; To live a normal life and return to London.'

„I don't, I have nothing there. No friends, no home. I don't have nothing to return to in London.I've grown Wonderland.'

„Then, if that is what you want, then your body and mind must be both here. You have to merge with your body in Wonderland.'

„And how do I do that?'

„Quite frankly, I don't know Alice.'

„...Then let's go find Caterpillar.'

„Very well.'

And so the pair headed put to find Caterpillar. Little did they know, what adventures would wait for them.

Quite short, exuse me for that, but I hope you still enjoyed. :)