Alice Madness Returns Genderbend

Purchase American McGee’s Alice™ today, or download it for free as part of your Online Pass, and experience where the madness began! Play through the cult classic and relive Alice's battle against the Queen of Hearts as she fights to regain control of her Wonderland. The ghastly and strange world she wanders mirrors her own fractured mind, and only by exploring deep into this beautiful abyss can she discover the secret behind the madness. Return to Victorian London in Alice: Madness Returns as Alice once again seeks refuge in Wonderland only to find it. Jun 02, 2016  (Advertisement: Anime style, all characters are male except for you, This is my version of Alice in Wonderland, enjoy:D) Reader X The Mad Hatter Hello, and welcome to the City of Madness! Where you, my dear reader, are 'Alice' and-.looks at her pocket watch. Oh dear, look at the time!

Disclaimer: Don't own American McGee's Alice: Madness Return. It belongs to Spicy Horse, American and I suppose EA.

A/N: Ok I said Shattered Wonderland was a oneshot. I take it back. Cue a dark and twisted trilogy! Now I decided to expand on this a little bit. Bumby wins, he's happy. Alice is a ruined wreck. So I thought let's delve into the thought process of Alice's insanity. Basically it's in Alice's POV, but there's a darker twist to it. And no Alice doesn't win or frees herself, I don't do Disney endings. Ary88 this one's for you! Oh and PLEASE review, let me become a better authorxE2x80她r at least give me ideas on how to make Bumby a bigger villain.

It's been 6 blissful months Alice hasn't thought of Wonderland. She's too busy fufilling her duties to her king.

It's been 6 hellish months she tries to save Wonderland. She failed, now she's the slave of a Black hearted king.

She loves him; he's the only one who has ever made her feel this way. She gave him her first kiss, her virginity, her everything. He helped her to forget, all he asked in return was her loyalty. He gave her everything: a roof over her head, pretty dresses to wear, and a place in his heart (and in the bedroom).

She hates him; she has never hated anyone, yet he is the only one she could hate. He stole everything: her sanity, her first kiss, her virginity. He made her forget; now she wears his mark. Everything she has reminds her of him: the orphanage, the tiny dresses she wears in private, a place in his twisted black heart (and his bed).

She's thankful that Dr. Bumby rescued her from Pris. She doesn't have to go back to her shattered Wonderland anymore. Let the broken memories die and fade away.

She resents him from preventing her to going to Wonderland. Preventing her from saving it. She won't let her memories die, she will not die.

She doesn't remember anything about the fire anymore. The past is nothing to her. All she sees is her lover helping other children forget their horrid pasts to make room for a better future.

She remembers everything about the fire. The past is everything to her. She remembers what he did to Lizzie, to her family, to her. She saw how he pimped out the children to monsters wearing human skin.

She can't think of a life without him. Sheneedshim. He's always there to give her what she wants. He set her free from her torment. For that, she's grateful.

She wishes she has never met him. But he needsher to keep his appetite sated. Lustful monster, watching over her like a dragon watches over his treasure. He kept her caged, how she longs for her freedom.

She loves it when he looks at her with such need in his eyes. As if she was the most beautiful woman on the Earth. He showers her with such affection and love that she could drown in it. And god, she loves it when they make love. What a tender lover she has. His strong hands worshipping her body, his sinful tongue touching places she never thought possible, and the fact he's always up for an encore. She couldn't get enough, she wanted this.

She hates it whenever he looks at her with such lust. She's not a trophy to be won. The sugary words that come out of his mouth makes her want to vomit. How she hated the sex. The sex that was just so damn good that she couldn't stop. He always was a forceful lover, his hands always gripping her hips hard enough to leave bruises. His slimy tongue invading her innermost privates, the fact he always lusts for more. Her body betrays her, she doesn't want this but she needs it.

They make love everywhere: on his desk in his office, his room, even in a dark secluded alleyway. She gets excited about thinking it, the thrill of doing something so forbidden. She shouldn't be doing this, but it feels too good to stop. She loves the feel of him inside her, stretching her, filling her, completing her. She loves the feeling of it all.

He rapes her everywhere: bent over on his desk, being tied up by the bedposts, even pushed up against a wall in a dark alley like some whore. She dreads when the next violation will take place. He shouldn't be doing this to her, but why does it have to feel so good? She hopes they get caught soon; she can scream rape when asked. To see him humiliated and hanged would be worth it. She hates the feeling of him inside her, tearing her, ruining her with his seed; she hates herself for loving it.

She's naked, flat on her back on his desk. Doctor Bumby towering over her, lost in his own pleasure. Papers strewn across the floor, ink spilling on their bodies, soft gasps and moans filling the air. The constant pounding between her legs is divine. She feels his kisses everywhere, everything just feels so good. She desperately tries to find something to cling on to, only to grab a letter opener.

Kill him.

What? Why?

Kill him.


He killed our family.

They died in a fire.

He started it, he stole everything from us. Kill him!

I don't believe you! I won't, I love him!

You will, you hate him!

He loves me!

He loves you as a doll! He destroyed us! He's evil! Murderer! Rapist! Desecrator! He's KILLING ME!

She doesn't remember anything after that. She wakes up in bed feeling incredibly sore. She doesn't remember being brought into their room. Those cuts weren't on her body before, is that dried blood smeared on her? She sees Doctor Bumby looking worried. Is that a cut on his cheek? She doesn't remember that happening. There are scratches and bite marks on him. Did she do that? He'll make her leave; she can't stand the thought of a life without him. Tears well up in her eyes at the injuries her lover has. She's dangerous, he won't touch her anymore. She tries to speak but no words can come out.

Alice Madness Returns Genderbend

Doctor Bumby straddles on top of her, kissing her tears away.

'The worst is over Alice. It's not your fault. It's just a dream darling. Now let's forget this unpleasantness and move on to better things shall we?'

He smothers her in kisses before she can protest.

Really, she feels quite silly thinking he would let her go. What a wonderful lover she has. He tells her that she is a precious porcelain doll, too lovely and perfect to be thrown away.

As the two begin their coupling, black ooze is coming from the cracks of a broken mirror.

Confused? Basically there's 2 Alices: you have your real world London Alice who is broken by Dr. Bumby who is programmed into loving him. Then there's Wonderland Alice who pretty much is the same as the game. These 2 Alices are fighting each other; they are no longer on the same side. They can't kill each other, each of them are fighting for control. Because of what Bumby did, Alice's psyche is split. Wonderland!Alice still tries to fight but Bumby's programming is too strong. Bumby won't get rid her, he finds it hot.

Alistair in Wonderland:


A Genderbending Story


Chapter 1



'Alistair, you're back!' cried a bright, tinkling voice from the head of the table.

'No, he isn't,' said another, squeakier one. 'He's not the right Alistair.'

The young man in question, shrunk by pishsalver, stood before the tea party's platform, but was at such an angle that he could not see the bearers of these voices.

Next he heard a great thump and saw the table and tea-ware jump as a dazzling whirlwind of colors appeared tripping eagerly across the surface, setting cups and saucers and pots to clattering. The young man reflexively blinked against the brightness as the cyclone descended in a great rush of air. When he opened his eyes, he found two brilliantly green orbs smiling back.

'Oh, it's certainly him,' breathed the same tinkling voice past cherry red lips. 'I'd know Alistair anywhere.'

These words were curious to the young man, and shocked as he was by all that had happened to him thus far in this crazy, unearthly world, he could not help but ask, 'Excuse me, but have we met?'

The great creature crouched before him blinked perplexedly, still smiling beneath axE2x80地 top hat? Well, that was another curious thing to add to the ever-growing list of oddities.

'So you've forgotten me, have you?' the genie-like being pouted, for a second knotting intensely orange eyebrows that matched two extremely bushy orange pigtails. 'Well, you were still very young then, so I suppose I shall forgive you this time. But you shouldn't forget me again, yes?' The eyes gleamed a devilish lime. 'Naughty!'

The young man could find nothing to say to this, and in response to his silence, the living, breathing rainbow with a top hat rose to its feet, but bent low enough to extend to him a hand.

'You will come to tea, won't you?' the voice chimed from above.

And to such a gracious invite, what could the young man say but yes?

'Good!' the tempest said, green eyes flashing and smile wide. Both features struck him briefly as depths in which he could become dangerously lost; but as he took the great hand with his, its giant-like strength whisked him away from his thoughts, leading him around to the head of the table.

'Welcome to our party! I am the Mad Hattress, and I shall be your hostess!'



To Be Continued...




Hello, everyone! I know I really shouldn't be posting this before I've completed and posted my companion piece to 'Where Madness Troubles the Hatter', but...I just couldn't help myself! I haven't read any genderbending AiW works yet, and if there is one / are some already out and about in the fandom community, then I apologize if I'm accidentally repeating those ideas. The name Alistair and the nickname Hattie were just too cute not to do something with, and they seemed original to me when I thought them up, and I hope they still are, but...well, I'm slow to figure out something like this, so other writers may have already beat me to it. *blush*


Alice Madness Returns Genderbend Online

Anyway, thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed this very short preview. I would love to turn it into a longer work if anyone besides me is interested in me doing so, so if you are, please leave a review! : )


Best Wishes,
