Alice Madness Returns Alice Quotes

Great memorable quotes and script exchanges from the Alice: Madness Returns movie on


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  • The end of the first chapter: the Hatter's frenetic and pathetic attempt to have another tea party with his now deceased friends (who were trying to kill him just a second ago) is extremely sad and disturbing at the same time.
    • The Hatter's death. After all the trouble Alice went through to help him, after a short but awesome moment in which they work together, and after a Curb-Stomp Battle that can only be described as a CMOA. Made more poignant by the fact that the Hatter died having (or trying to have) one final tea party with his dead comrades.
    • Made worse when Alice's response is essentially 'Eh, screw him, he deserved to die. ... Oh, guess I'm drowning in tea now.'
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  • The Carpenter's Heroic Sacrifice where he pushes Alice out of the path of the Infernal Train, revealing his evil ways were actually an attempt to protect the Deluded Depths from the train. His cry of 'The death of a dream!' is just harrowing.
  • The scenes on the Infernal Train where all of Alice's friends call her out for her ignorance.
    • The Mad Hatter berates Alice for letting Dr. Bumby manipulate her mind to turn her into an empty husk.
      Hatter: Everything's a nail, is it, Miss Hammer-Head?! First it was your search, freighted with fear and fragmented memories. Now it's the train. Never time for tea. While your brain's on holiday, we're ruined! Now, we're all mad here....and that's a good excuse for going to hell in a teapot, but not for forgetting what your senses saw. Forgetting is just forgetting. Except when it's not. Then they call it something else. I'd like to forget what you did. I've tried. But I can't.
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    • Caterpillar calls Alice out for noticing the child abuse around her but being too focused on her own troubles to speak out about it.
      Caterpillar: Come to receive your punishment, then?
      Alice: I know I'm guilty of something. But, punishment never suits the victims of the crime.
      Caterpillar: Abuse is a crime the strong visit on the weak. And you're right. Abusers are insufficiently punished for the damage they do. Those who witness abuse without seeking retribution for the harmed pay a penalty. Your own pain mitigates your failure to act earlier, but you may not yet have paid enough for witnessing the pain of others.
    • The Queen of Hearts reveals Lizzie's cruel fate. Alice has a Heroic BSoD.
      Alice: My Lizzie...what is this train's destination?!
      Queen of Hearts: Madness and destruction. You shouldn't ask questions you know the answer to, it's not polite...and that noise wasn't Lizzie talking in her sleep....
      • To make it worse, Alice sounds like she's on the verge of tears the whole time she's with the Queen. And the Queen is Wonderland's version of her sister.
Alice Madness Returns Alice Quotes
