Alice Madness Returns Jumping Problems

Fan Of Games

@ClankANDReaverLOVA: That's quite true about the reviewers, but people play games because they think they're interesting- not because a reviewer gave it a bad score. A reviewer could give a game the worst score, and some people might still play that game just because they enjoy playing it. It's the same with movies and television shows as well- critics just point out all the flaws, but people can still like the movie.

If you have played the recently released sequel, Alice – Madness returns, or if you’re simply curious to see this warped version of wonderland yourself, you will find much to enjoy down this particular rabbit hole. American McGee’s Alice should install on Windows 7 and 8 PCs without any difficulties. Alice: Madness Returns™ Spicy Horse Standard Edition Eleven years ago a horrific fire took Alice’s family from her and left her terribly burned—and her mind terribly scarred. Afterwards she was confined to Rutledge Asylum, struggling to come to terms with her demons by slipping into her fantasy world of Wonderland.

Angus Bumby was Alice Liddell's manipulative psychiatrist and the head of the Houndsditch Home for Wayward Youth in London. Bumby appeared to help Alice, along with the other orphans who lived there, to forget about traumatic events in their past using hypnotherapy. However, it was revealed that he had much darker motives, and a greater role in Alice's past than she first realized.


As to my current opinion on Alice: Madness Returns, I must say that the PC version of it is quite laggy- and that's the only version of the game I have. I was at this one area in the beginning of Wonderland- in the first chapter of the game- where the ground collapses and pipes spewing this sort of black substance appear. Alice had to jump and float over those pipes, and she'd turn into a bunch of butterflies every time she so much as touched a bit of the black substance (or fell, which sometimes happened). When I tried to get this one piece of memory- or something like it- that was on a cliff, I had made so many attempts at trying to get it because of how laggy the game was. Eventually I got it before I moved on, though my progress in that same area was slowed- primarily because the lag caused Alice to not go real high (or real far, if that also was affected) whenever she jumped. Because of that, I was stuck in that one area with no idea where to go exactly- I had tried to jump up a ledge where I believed was the way ahead, but I started to doubt whether or not that was the correct path. And it was all because of the lag.

Another problem I had later in the game- still on the first chapter- was in the Hatter's territory. I had to jump on invisible platforms I could only see when Alice was tiny in order to get another memory. However, I couldn't reach it because of the lag causing problems with Alice's jumping physics- and I believe that whole jumping puzzle was laggy, but I had to give up because I couldn't get to the final platform.

Later on in Hatter's territory, I came to the March Hare, but at a point where I had to jump up some steps in order to get to the top one, I experienced another problem with the game: the camera angles- specifically the 2D perspective it took at the stairs. For that part, I had to jump up the steps while avoiding getting squashed by the huge iron fists (or boots, but whatever they were didn't matter); but most of my attempts ended in failure because of not just the lag, but also because the camera had to switch to a 2D perspective. Those problems seriously messed up my progress to the point where I don't want to play the game anymore- and I went through those problems a few months ago, so I had stopped playing then.

At first I thought my reason for quitting was because I had to float across a large gap with more of those iron fists looking to crush me after I got to the top step. You know those timer things that will turn green when you hit them with a projectile? Well, I couldn't see one of them there, and I don't recall even noticing one there at all, but that wasn't really one of my reasons for quitting the game. I'd say it was whenever Alice fell, or got crushed by those iron fists, she'd have to start all over again at the bottom of the stairs where the camera switched to the 2D perspective. That was one of my real reasons for quitting.

Lag, bad camera angles, and starting over at the beginning of a difficult part because of those two problems. All problems that make players just want to stop playing the game for good.

I understand that games, no matter what version of the game you're playing- PC, Xbox 360, Playstation 3- can be laggy in some spots; but if the lag is in an area that will cause players to wonder where the path is/goes, or cause them to give up on getting something that should be real easy to get, they should just not play the game anymore because it's not worth it to play a game that's full of so much lag. There's also the matter of the camera angles, as they can seriously cause so many problems with making progress because of where the camera is pointing. And having to start over at a certain difficult point because those two problems combined together screwed you over? That's when you have to put the controller down/open the start menu, return to the main menu (if you choose to), and shut the game off- and for good. I'm certainly glad I did.

Wiki10/2/2011 #3